Michał Michalak

I work now at the AGH University in Kraków. I have obtained the doctoral degree at the University of Silesia in Katowice, a school known for the prominent leader of the Polish Judges’ Association „Iustitia” nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize.

Subsurface geological modeling

I use data-driven methods to identify novel structures within geological surfaces.

Spatial epidemiology

Do you know that well-known organisations such as Robert Koch Institute use biased metrics to estimate COVID-19 burden?

Ecclesiological dynamics

Three competitive ecclesial factions can have a common enemy which generates turbulent interactions

What I do

I can offer trainings about 1) using my software for building and interpreting data-driven subsurface geological models, 2) creating COVID-19 shinyApp (with theory)


Combining a C++ code, ParaView visualizations, and R template to reveal compartmentalization pattern based on geometric anomalies. What is needed: points (XYZ) documenting a geologic, bathimetric or topographic surface.


You will probably need some background knowledge to learn about limitations and interpretation rules.

COVID-19 app

If you have unbiased metrics, building a Shiny app for monitoring infectious diseases is a good step forward.

COVID-19 metrics

Learn quickly about different metrics for assessing COVID-19 burden and our recent development.


Below you can find some papers (or accepted preprints) from peer-reviewed journals:


List of selected meetings

  • Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, “Combining computational geometry and machine learning in 3D geological modelling" - a lecture on request, 07.12.2023
  • OpenGeoHub Summer School Poznan 2023, “Processing and visualizing large geospatial data using R, Python and Julia”, 27.08.2023 – 02.09.2023
  • CETEG 2023, Kazincbarcika, 12-15.04.2023, Michalak, M., Structural interpretations of clustering results applied to 3D orientation data.
  • 2022
  • AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, 12-16.12.2022, Michalak, M., Kulawik, A., Węglińska, E., Leśniak, A., Lupa, M., Cordes, J., Reducing bias in risk indices for COVID-19: looking for more fair and epidemiologically interpretable rankings.
  • AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, 12-16.12.2022, Michalak, M., Turoboś, F., Gładki, P., Explainable Clustering Models for Structural Geology Measurements.
  • 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences, Nancy - online, 29.08.2022-03.09.2022 Michalak M., Turoboś F., Gładki, P., Combinatorial and topological considerations for conducting angular distance measurements between geological interfaces.
  • 2021
  • RING Meeting, Nancy, 06-10.09.2021, Michalak, M., Kostur, M., Teper, L., Wellmann F., Reducing bias in a triangulation-based variant of spatial clustering (poster presentation)
  • European Geoscience Union General Assembly, online, 19-30.04.2021, Michalak, M., Teper, L., Parallel or not? Quantitative and qualitative methods to identify dissimilarities between sub-conformable contacts (pico presentation)
  • 2019
  • European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna, 7-12.04.2019, Michalak, M., Bardziński, W.,Teper, L., Testing the efficiency of selected numerical approaches for retrieving the average orientation of subsurface data (oral presentation)
  • Central European Tectonic Groups, Rozdrojovice (Czech Republic), 24-27.04.2019, Michalak, M., Bardziński, W.,Teper, L., Determining the orientation of a sub-horizontal contact lying within Kraków-Silesian Homocline (Poland) – on selected problems with application of Delaunay triangulation and cluster analysis (oral presentation).


Receiving a grant is always a long shot, thus I'm not in favour (in fact strongly against) of assessing individual researchers by the number of grants they have received. In fact, I tried six times before I received the (2020/37/N/ST10/02504) grant..

  • ENG: Comparing the orientation of geological contacts: developing a new metric to detect and quantify angular unconformities between geological contacts, Kraków-Silesian Homocline case study, PL: Porównywanie orientacji kontaktów geologicznych: opracowanie nowej metryki do wykrywania i kwantyfikacji niezgodności kątowych między kontaktami geologicznymi na przykładzie monokliny śląsko-krakowskiej 2020/37/N/ST10/02504 , National Science Centre, Poland, Learn more about this grant

Awards and certificates

List of awards and certificates

  • TVN Warner Bros. Discovery - a thank you letter
  • 2023
  • AGH Rector scientific award II deg.
  • IDUB AGH - Działanie 2, II st.
  • 2021
  • Geologia 2021 - Główny Geolog Kraju - Chief Geologist of Poland, distinction, check
  • PhD dissertation - wyróżnienie (sort of "cum laude")
  • 2019
  • scientific scholarship granted by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation
  • 2018
  • scientific scholarship granted by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation
  • 2017
  • Cambridge English Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (First) - Council of Europe Level B2, June 2017
  • Microsoft IT Academy Programme, Microsoft Approved Course: ITA 105: programowanie obiektowe C#, March 31, 2017


Teaching materials available via UPEL platform.

  • Modelowanie danych przestrzennych (GIS) (Modelling spatial data)
  • Metody optymalizacji (Optimization methods)
  • Systemy geoinformatyczne (Geoinformatics systems)

Collaboration/Blocked by

I have completed scientific collaboration (published papers) with the following institutions:

  • Harvard University
  • RWTH Aachen
  • University of Vienna
  • Geological Survey of Norway
  • The University of Texas at Austin

However, I have also been blocked by:

  • Ramzan Kadyrov (Chechnya, on Telegram)
  • Lech Wałęsa (on Facebook)
  • FSSPX Silesia (on Facebook)
  • Archdiocese of Kraków (on Twitter)
  • Oskar Szafarowicz (PiS, on Twitter)
  • Łukasz Mejza (PiS, on Facebook)
  • Krystyna Pawłowicz (PiS, on Twitter)

SLAPP campaign in progress (related to my interview in Superwizjer TVN "Co się stało z królem kryptowalut?")

Get in touch

Simply e-mail me: michalm@agh.edu.pl